第一面: 太古の鼓動 日本語↓The first plane: the Realm of Ancient Beginnings
The first plane is about Ancient beginnings. From very small substances like stardust and microorganisms, life was formed and keep transforming and evolving. From ancient time to current time, and till future. Starting from very tiny, the life formed very large animals, dinosaurs, mammals. Cole loved dinosaurs and fossils so much when he was little. It was his passion!
The passion has forgotten for a long time until one of Cole’s students who love dinosaurs so much reminded Cole again.
Teaching is learning. It’s beautiful to be able to learn from what you see, hear, and experience. It’s like digging soil to find your own fossils, finding your passion again.
This painting is filled with those memory, inspiration, new finding, and rediscovering. The process of making a painting is such an interesting thing. Things connect and create new meaning.
4/7/2021 Diary of observing the process
4/7/2021 屏風制作観察日記